Alumni Meet-2024

SMT. B. K. Mehta IT Centre BCA College Palanpur, organised the Alumni Meet on 10 August 2024 in the Audio Visual Hall of G.D. Modi Vidyasankul Campus at 11:30am.

As the alumni, both younger and older, gathered to relive their college days and reconnect with their former classmates and faculty members, it was a day full of excitement and emotions.

Approximately 22 graduates attended the meet; their graduation dates ranged from 2004 to 2022. The alumni were greeted warmly by the organising team, and the registration process was easy and hassle-free.

The college principal, Dr. Namrata S. Gupta, accorded a warm welcome to all and apprised the alumni about the college’s  changing infrastructure, and proactive measures taken in recent times for the welfare of students. Also other faculty members engaged with their motivational speeches.

In the Alumni meet, Tea, breakfast and lunch were arranged for the alumni. A total of 5 alumni gave their motivational speeches. The delight and excitement on the faces of the alumni as they spoke about their experiences and fond memories of their time at the college warmed my heart. For the alumni, it was undoubtedly a fantastic chance to reconnect with old pals, network, and form new relationships. The event concluded with a commitment to assemble again for another fruitful Alumni Meet.